The Anxiety Solution Series Course

Your Guide to Overcoming Panic, Worry, Compulsions and Fear

Do you constantly worry? Do you suffer with panic attacks? Does fear prevent you from doing things you really want to do? There’s no need to suffer any longer. The Anxiety Solution Series will teach you tools, techniques, and strategies for freeing yourself from debilitating anxiety so you can live a happy, fulfilling life.

This comprehensive course is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Exposure Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, empirically validated by research as the most effective treatments for anxiety.


Start healing
your anxiety

This 46-chapter, 12-hour life-changing course features:

  • A comprehensive system for conquering anxiety at its core
  • Proven tools and a step-by-step approach that works
  • Training sessions to rewire your anxious brain
  • Hypnosis session to increase confidence and courage
  • Relaxation exercise to quiet your mind and relax your body
  • Commentary from experts in the fields of psychiatry, medicine, and nutrition
  • Former sufferers sharing their secrets for overcoming anxiety

Includes chapters 1, 2, 14 and a bonus chapter

Success Stories from Former Anxiety Sufferers

College student shares how she overcame social anxiety, worry, fear, and separation anxiety.

Australian conquers panic, racing heart, Valium addiction, and a fear of going places.

University Professor talks about how she beat panic, worry, depression and stomach issues.

In less than 3 months, he stopped his panic, chest pains, dizziness, fear, and suicidal thoughts.

Take control of your life and find the freedom you deserve

Your anxiety will not just go away. You have to make a conscious decision to take action. This is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Don’t waste another moment of your life struggling with constant fear and worry. Take action today.  Start your journey to a life free of debilitating anxiety.

The Anxiety Solution Series will show you how to:

  • Stop panic attacks
  • End excessive worry and negative self-talk
  • Conquer fears and phobias
  • Relax your body and quiet your mind
  • Stop compulsive behaviors
  • Overcome social anxiety
  • Manage worries about death and illness
  • Reduce your stress
  • Live the life you desire

Praise for The Anxiety Solution Series Course

TammyLifelong anxiety sufferer
The Anxiety Solution Series has been absolutely instrumental in overcoming my anxiety. I have struggled with anxiety, particularly health anxiety throughout my life. Once I began listening to this series, I immediately began to feel relief from my anxious thoughts and worries. I began to heal emotionally. I listened to one or two recordings every day until I finished all of them. The best part is that you can listen to these recordings whenever you want (or need). Each time I listen to them, I gained new insights that I hadn't heard before. I will forever be grateful that I found the Anxiety Solution Series. It changed my life. For the first time, I do not feel anxious and worried all the time. Finally, I can now LIVE my life - anxiety free.
Jo10-year anxiety sufferer
I have suffered from illness anxiety for over 10 years. When I started seeing Ken Goodman as my therapist for illness anxiety, he told me about the Anxiety Solution Series. These recordings have been a savior!! I love to listen to them when I go for a walk, when I'm relaxing, or when I'm feeling particularly anxious. Ken puts everything in such great perspective with so many relatable examples. The 3x3 breathing is a technique that I use on a daily basis, along with several others. I also listened to the Anxiety Solution Series the last time I had to fly on an airplane. Flying also makes me anxious, so it was great having the recordings to refer back to. It's nice to have Ken's advice at the drop of a hat whenever you need it! I highly recommend!
This series has been an incredible resource to me in the journey of anxiety, fear and illness anxiety. This course is on your phone and you can play various tracks over and over again any day of the week and have your own mini therapist session. It is so freeing to hear other people's stories that have struggled with anxiety as you don't feel as alone. It is years of work on Ken's part and they cover so much. The course is worth 3x this and more. If you want to see growth, get this course and use it between therapist sessions to go even farther and just listen to it as a refresher to keep your mind thinking the right way and not fall into old habits. I cannot thank Ken Goodman and his team enough for creating this resource.
Michele, AdministratorLifelong anxiety sufferer
After listening to the program I feel tremendous. I feel so amazing. The Series was a miracle!
Vern, Teacher10-year anxiety sufferer
The strategies and techniques are so practical. I feel confident and calm. A hundred times better!
Darlene, Caregiver10-year anxiety sufferer
The Series has changed my life! I don’t have any more panic attacks. I’m finally happy.
Hooman, Director of Marketing21-year anxiety sufferer
After a few months my anxiety reduced down to almost nothing. I no longer have panic attacks. I dont avoid anything anymore. With this Series, no one should suffer with anxiety. This is life saving.
Dr. Wendy AshleyPsychologist and Professor
The Anxiety Solutions Series can really change your life. It sounds impossible, but this series is a million-dollar lottery ticket for anxiety sufferers. I should know, I use it with patients in my office.
Susan, Hotel Concierge11-year anxiety sufferer
Since finishing The Anxiety Solution Series I honestly feel like a new person. The Series is a complete body, mind and soul program designed to empower anyone suffering with anxiety.
Linda, Social Worker40-year anxiety sufferer
I have grown more with Anxiety Solution Series than I have in forty years of living with panic attacks. I have tried many psychiatrists and therapists over the years, but this CD Series has been the single-most effective tool I have ever found. I have found the results to be amazing.
Connie, University Professor10-year anxiety sufferer
I have tried many forms of therapy and read many books, but nothing really worked until I got this Series. This is NOT just a book on anxiety – it is an entire TREATMENT PROGRAM. The most essential tool was learning how to deal with my negative, defeating thoughts. It’s genius, and it works!
Robin, Waitresslifelong anxiety sufferer
I’ve learned so much thanks to The Anxiety Solution Series. I’ve gained freedom and courage. I never dreamed it was possible, suffering for so long, afraid and avoiding life. I never believed I could have power over anxiety and panic. I look forward to life now. It’s a miracle! I’m so grateful.
Ruth, Graduate Student14-year anxiety sufferer
The Anxiety Solution Series taught me skills to overcome my anxiety. Recently I faced my worst fear without panicking. Thank you for creating this program.
Rianna, College Student10-year anxiety sufferer
WOW! I can definitely say that listening to the Series was one of the greatest decisions I ever made. I never thought I would get better. It really is amazing.
Faline, Loss Mitigation Specialistlifelong anxiety sufferer
The Anxiety Solution Series is POWERFUL! It educated me on my anxiety disorder and encouraged me to personally end the suffering with the tools provided.
Sarah, Accountant3-year anxiety sufferer
I had been suffering from anxiety for over 3 years and was put on medication here in Australia. Therapy combined with medication (Valium) did not seem to be helping. I feared driving, being on my own and most simple household tasks were extremely difficult. I found The Anxiety Solutions Series, and after 3 months of solid dedication and commitment, I no longer take valium and have gotten my freedom back. I can now drive! All household chores are now so easy and enjoyable. I am a much calmer person. I got a thousand times better results than therapy which cost over $100. No one should have to suffer when there is fantastic help.
Darin, Attorney40 year anxiety sufferer
I purchased The Anxiety Solution Series on Amazon and it has changed my life. I have struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for close to 40 years and despite a lifelong search for fixes, I have never discovered any resources that have helped me as much as The Anxiety Solution Series. The lessons are broken down into easy to understand modules. The narration is clear and real life examples are provided by former anxiety sufferers. I began using the tools right away and it had an immediate impact on my anxiety. In over 40 years of suffering I had never come across anything as relevant to my personal issues as this set of tools. I can't thank Ken enough for sharing his expert guidance. I find myself listening to certain chapters again to reinforce what I learned. I highly recommend this series to anyone willing to invest in themselves. The Anxiety Solution Series helped me in ways that I will never forget. Thank you Ken and your team at Quiet Mind Solutions.
From somebody who has suffered from anxiety for years, I highly recommend purchasing this series. It’s full of wonderful useful and invaluable information that really achieves results.
I bought this for my wife and she is so thankful for Ken Goodman and the Anxiety Solutions Series. She has suffered for years with all sorts of anxiety. It really hit her when she wasn't going out into the world and staying locked up in our home. She played the "what if" game - "what if this, what if that." Recently there was another horrible shooting and innocent people were killed. The old her would have hid in our house in fear. The new her continued living her life. The Anxiety Solutions Series is easy to follow, entertaining and full of fabulous tools. She's finally free!!
Billie Jo, Mom/HomemakerLife-long anxiety sufferer
This Anxiety Solutions Series is the answer to my prayers! I have suffered from anxiety all my adult life, and have tried books, programs, videos, mindfulness, and everything in between to help quiet the intrusive thoughts that came into my mind. I found this Anxiety Solutions Series and immediately knew Ken's program was different. His voice and manner are so conducive to calm and the tools he provides are invaluable! Please, please, please. If you have any type of anxiety, get this today. Ken has changed my life.
Ten-year anxiety sufferer
As I suffered with severe anxiety and panic attacks over the last ten years, I wish I had come across The Anxiety Solution Series sooner. I’ve read many books and have been in therapy and none of the results have compared to that of this series. This series is a tool that you can use continuously as it not only teaches you how, but why anxiety behaves like it does. Each chapter is explained in a way that is easy to digest and the step by step program keeps you intrigued while feeling like you are making progress. I really love that this helps explain why the body is behaving like it does. The real life interviews also make it relatable and helps to feel like you are not alone in this process. I would recommend it to anyone suffering with any level of anxiety. Since beginning this series, I have been able to keep my panic attacks under control and feel like my anxiety has improved drastically. My favorite part is that you can carry this digital copy with you on your phone and listen to at any time of high stress in order to stay ahead of any feelings of anxiousness that may try to creep in. It absolutely has changed my life and continues to aid me on the road to living anxiety free.

Order The Anxiety Solution Series today

CDs and MP3 both include a link to download a 50-page booklet

Testimonials on this website represent the individual experience of these customers. Quiet Mind Productions, LLC does not guarantee that results will apply to all customers.

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