QR Codes Listed by Chapter

QR Codes Listed by Chapter

View all videos and photos listed in order by chapter.

Chapter 1

The Emetophobia Manual Introduction

Ken Goodman introduces “The Emetophobia Manual”

Toss Your Cookies

Chapter 4

Me as a magician

Chapter 6

Toilet with eyes and mouth

Chapter 8

How many Fs?
Top square is darker than the bottom square

Chapter 12

Mohammed Ali
Game faces

Chapter 13

Weber on Stockton’s Toughness

Chapter 14

Chinese Finger Trap

Escaping from a finger trap or anxiety is counter-intuitive and requires a paradoxical strategy.

Living with Double Vision

How to live a happy life with double vision.

Chapter 15

3 by 3 Relaxation Breathing

This type of breathing can mitigate panic and reduce anxiety

Chapter 16

Euphemisms and slang for Vomit

Chapter 17

Vomiting sketch
Barfing On husband
Little girl puking
Man leaning on toilet
Puking man
Puking on floor
Running to toilet

Chapter 18

Girl with hands on stomach
Hands on stomach by toilet
Holding in gag
Looking into barf bag on plane
View from inside toilet
Vomiting in bag outside car

Chapter 21

Head in toilet 1
Head in toilet 2

Chapter 22

Lea Michele on Vomiting While Singing “Let it Go”
Hugh Grant on Hollywood and Projectile Vomiting
People Share Their Best Vomit Stories
People share their best vomit stories
I vomited during class in front of my crush
Stephen and Emily Blunt have a fake vomit-off
Moms 15 seconds projectile vomiting
Sam Fuentes Our Mission is Simple

Chapter 24

Tattoo of buffalo on arm
Happy Gilmore

This is how you invite discomfort

Boy with vomit on shirt
Baby spitting up
Cat puking
Head over toilet with puke
Toilet with barf inside

Chapter 25

Funny Penzoil Ad Vomit Puke

Car vomits

Oddbods Seasick

Cartoon vomits

Family Guy Ipecac Drinking Contest

Your worst fear in cartoon form

Vomit supercut

Compilation of vomiting cartoons

ARPO the robot for all kids

When puking has a good outcome

Totally Dramarama The Epidemic

Stomach Flu

Chapter 29

How To Work Through an Exposure Hierarchy

Former emetophobe shares how she found freedom by being patient, persistent and working hard

Chapter 32

Hezakia’s tunnel

Chapter 33

The Battle between an Emetophobe and his Anxiety Monster

How to successfully implement a planned game changer with an offensive mindset and competing emotions.

Former emetophobe shares how she conquered her anxiety

She describes how bringing intensity and an offensive mindset to her exposure work helped her overcome her fear of vomiting.