Videos With a Message

Videos With a Message

Sam Fuentes Our Mission is Simple

A fabulous example of courage and a positive response

Lieutenant Dan and the storm

Standing firm, going on offense and inviting to the storm

Phoebe – Left phalange. Friends The Last one

How a “feeling” and a thought can cause a response to flee

Girls first ski jump

Choosing and accepting the path of discomfort and uncertainty can lead to victory but you must go through it

USC players live tweet their sweaty stuck elevator ordeal

Making an uncomfortable situation tolerable and fun

Happy Gilmore

This is how you invite discomfort

The Emetophobia Manual Introduction

Ken Goodman introduces “The Emetophobia Manual”

Weber on Stockton’s Toughness

Great example of how to respond. How to demoralize your opponent.

Living with Double Vision

How to live a happy life with double vision.

Finger Trap escape strategy is similar to strategy for anxiety treatment

The best way to respond to physical symptoms of anxiety is to accept them.

3 by 3 Relaxation Breathing

This type of breathing can mitigate panic and reduce anxiety

The Battle between an Emetophobe and his Anxiety Monster

How to successfully implement a planned game changer with an offensive mindset and competing emotions.

Use Intensity to Overcome Emetophobia

Former emetophobe shares how using intensity with an offensive mindset helps sufferers overcome their fear. The specific strategy and steps are outlined in The Emetophobia Manual.

How To Work Through an Exposure Hierarchy

Former emetophobe shares how she found freedom by being patient, persistent and working hard