Video Exposures

Video Exposures

Included on this page are several tabs that will link you to videos of varying intensity, ranging from Vomit Cartoons to Movie Vomiting Scenes to High Level Exposures.

Vomit Cartoon Exposures

Funny Penzoil Ad Vomit Puke

Car vomits

Oddbods Seasick

Cartoon vomits

Family Guy Ipecac Drinking Contest

Your worst fear in cartoon form

Vomit supercut

Compilation of vomiting cartoons

ARPO the robot for all kids

When puking has a good outcome

Totally Dramarama The Epidemic

Stomach flu

Low-Level Exposures

Kitten Surprise How to Break up a Cat Fight

Kitten vomits

GoPro on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Cannot hear puking, barely see it

Funny Baby Milk Vomit

Baby spits up

Look Out When Babies Spit Up

Compilation of babies spitting up

Throw up

Happens so quick you might miss it

Throw up prank

How would you react if this was done to you?

Drunk man vomits outside an Uber
Livi tries Maca
Shark Tank US – Entrepreneur From Season 2 Is Back
Stephen and Emily Blunt have a fake vomit-off

Medium-Level Exposures

Swedish Television Host Vomits Live on Air includes subtitles

And keeps doing the news

Seasick lad throws up on fishing trip

Can’t hear it

Professional soccer players vomiting on field

Compilation to music.

New Zealand Host Throws Up on Live TV

Barfs and keeps going

Tyrone Davies Puke High quality free form film festival

Pukes on live TV

Use all of your tools (breathing, responses, competing emotions) to manage your anticipatory anxiety.

Vomit Inducing Challenge Gets Messy!

I Can’t Believe He Ate This!

People will do anything for money and fame

Milk Challenge:

It looks the same going out as it did going in.

Mom vomits in front of her child
Emma vomits on a plane
Vomiting outside car.
Handles it like a champ.

High-Level Exposures

Vomit sounds only

Hear only the sound of puking

Brittany throwing up on a fishing boat

Can’t hear much of the puking

Puking On A Ride
Men vomiting everywhere after eating excessively

Loud, disgusting, and a lot of puke

Man pukes loudly in toilet

Howard Stern talks about it

Crying child vomits from her car seat

All over the floor

Eggnog challenge:

Why do people do this?

Listen to what she says at the end after the vomits.

People’s Vomit Stories

Lea Michele on Vomiting While Singing “Let it Go”
Hugh Grant on Hollywood and Projectile Vomiting
People share their best vomit stories
I vomited during class in front of my crush
Moms 15 seconds projectile vomiting

Movie Vomiting Scenes

Little Britain Maggie 2
Oceans 8 Toilet Scene Vomit
Vacation 2015 Drinking Puking scene
Top ten vomit scenes
The Carrie Diaries food poisoning scene
Scary Movie 2 The Exorcism
Sensitive Stomachs The Office
Bridesmaids food poisoning scene
Knocked up best movie quote Vomit scene
Pie eating contest Stand by Me

Videos With a Message

Sam Fuentes Our Mission is Simple

A fabulous example of courage and a positive response

Lieutenant Dan and the storm

Standing firm, going on offense and inviting to the storm

Phoebe – Left phalange. Friends The Last one

How a “feeling” and a thought can cause a response to flee

Girls first ski jump

Choosing and accepting the path of discomfort and uncertainty can lead to victory but you must go through it

USC players live tweet their sweaty stuck elevator ordeal

Making an uncomfortable situation tolerable and fun

Happy Gilmore

This is how you invite discomfort

The Emetophobia Manual Introduction

Ken Goodman introduces “The Emetophobia Manual”

Weber on Stockton’s Toughness

Great example of how to respond. How to demoralize your opponent.

Living with Double Vision

How to live a happy life with double vision.

Finger Trap escape strategy is similar to strategy for anxiety treatment

The best way to respond to physical symptoms of anxiety is to accept them.

3 by 3 Relaxation Breathing

This type of breathing can mitigate panic and reduce anxiety

The Battle between an Emetophobe and his Anxiety Monster

How to successfully implement a planned game changer with an offensive mindset and competing emotions.

Use Intensity to Overcome Emetophobia

Former emetophobe shares how using intensity with an offensive mindset helps sufferers overcome their fear. The specific strategy and steps are outlined in The Emetophobia Manual.

How To Work Through an Exposure Hierarchy

Former emetophobe shares how she found freedom by being patient, persistent and working hard

Survivor – Reward Challenge: Put a Ring on It